Ass Hat instead of Fart Face
At my first 24 hour new play workshop, I was asked to write a 10 page play. I wrote 25 pages instead. I don't know how to cut things. My...

Favorite CTP Memory?
For the 24 hour experiment in Winter of 2013, I had the opportunity to work with Steve Norris as a writer. I was the Director, and Hanz...

Our Handshake
To me, CTP starts with a pair of scissors and clippers. For the past few years that I have done Chalkboard Theatre Project, I radically...

Goin' Rogue
I am what you would consider a veteran of the Chalkboard Theatre Project, participating in every Eastern University experiment from the...

Dr. Snorris' Thoughts
I groggily grab my phone to stop my alarm. It's 8 am, and the sun is pouring through the classroom windows. With 3 hours of sleep under...

Director's Thoughts
I’ve participated in two new play experiments, and I was a director both times. I also write and act—and am much more experienced with...

Dialogue is Difficult
I'd never written a play before. I'd barely written dialogue at all. When I write stories, I fill them with exposition and description —...

A Director's Perspective
This weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in the Chalkboard Theatre Project, and it was one of the best experiences I have ever...

Our LBO's Thoughts
We left this past experiment with so many kind words and testimonies that we decided it was time to start sharing them. Our first, from...

Hayden Experiment 2016
Hey Experimenters of the CTP world! We are just getting back from our Hayden Experiment and we are on top of the world. Well we were...